Primary school partnerships
Kingsgrove North High School has developed strong partnerships with it's neighbouring schools over the past four years. A comprehensive transition program has been developed in collaboration with our local primary schools to build awareness of high school programs and practices and to develop a smooth learning transition from primary to secondary school.
Our program aims to:
- provide primary school students with opportunity to experience whole school cultural and learning programs
- build interest in high school in specialist areas through taster classes for Year 4 and 5 students in specialist school science laboratories and design and technology classrooms.
- provide opportunities to demonstrate enrichment activities for gifted and talented students
- provide support for students moving into the support unit
- consolidate high school orientation at Kingsgrove North High School through sharing of information useful to students and staff
- Secondary school partnerships
Kingsgrove North High School has also developed strong partnerships with local secondary schools as part of the St George SPC (secondary principals council) network of schools.
Links have been forged over the past four years, with all faculties and at the executive level. Expertise and resources have been shared, and joint excursions and activities are undertaken with staff and students involved.
Our group includes Sydney Technical High School, James Cook Boys, Moorefield Girls, Kogarah High School, St George Girls High, Kingsgrove High, Hurstville Boys, Peakhurst High, Penshurst Girls, Oatley Senior part of George's River College and Blakehurst High.
Meetings are held every term with current issues discussed and planned as well as ideas and strategies developed and shared. This group of schools have worked together in the promotion of public education as well as addressing issues that arise with representation to the SPC.
Links have also been forged with a number of rural and international high schools. We have participated in a number of trips to and from Bourke High School, broadening the experience of our students and opening up new perspectives and experiences for students from Bourke High School, under the Saltbush program.
A number of International study tours from schools in China and Indonesia have visited Kingsgrove North High School and most recently a Chinese high school stayed for a five-day visit. This visit enhanced the curriculum and cultural experience of both local and Chinese students. With Chinese and being one of the languages studied at Kingsgrove North High School, these visits provide unique cultural immersion and learning opportunities for our students.