Parent portal
Here are instructions for registering your parent portal account.
Please log on to the internet and register for access to our sentral parent portal.
You must use a valid email address to create your username.
Once successfully registered you will be prompted to enter your username (email address) and the password you created.
To see information from the school and to link to your enrolled children, enter the access key/s provided to you by the school.
Please note that the access key is case sensitive and will need to be typed into the box provided on screen, exactly as it appears in your letter.
Students are not required to register email, they access portal using DoE username and password.
To Access the Parent Portal, follow this Link
Parent portal questions and answers
Q: What is the student and parent portal?
A: The student and parent portal is a website where student and parents can gain access to see important school information. Reports, timetables and student attendance data can be viewed here.
Q: What should I do if I don't have an account?
A: Parents have been emailed login details and access codes to their nominated email account. If you have not received this email, contact the school to confirm that the correct email is listed and then the information email can be resent to that email account. Also make sure that the school emails are not being filtered to the junk folder, especially when opening these emails on your phone.
Q: I've received the instructional email from the school but am unsure about what I need to do next?
A: Firstly, click on the register link in the email and create a student & parent portal account. Once you have created an account and logged in, copy the student access code from the email and paste it into the access code field of the page. This will link the students account to yours and allow you to see relevant student information.
Q: What can I do if I have forgotten my password?
A: On the student & parent portal login screen there is a button 'forgotten your password'. Click on that, and then you will be prompted to enter your email address. Then, instructions on resetting your password will be emailed to that account.
Q: Where can I find reports and timetables?
A: Once you have logged in, click on the name of the student. Then all information can be accessed from the sidebar under dashboard.
Q: The access code for my child's account does not work?
A: Contact the school and they can reissue another code.
Q: I have never been issued an access code?
A: Codes for students are included in the initial register information letter. If you are still having trouble locating the code, please contact the school.
Q: What do I do if I have multiple students at the school?
A: Once you have created an account, multiple codes can be entered into the access code field to allow several students to be linked to the single parent account.
Please remember to keep this code, as this is how you will access your childs's school reports each year, and other communications, for the remainder of their schooling at Kingsgrove North High School.